Cinnamon Grapefruit

Prep Time

Less than 5 mins


1 Ruby red grapefruit


Walnuts (or pecan nuts), roughly chopped into smaller pieces**


  1. Cut the grapefruit in half. 

  2. Cut around the edge of the grapefruit and make segments (if you have one of those groovy grapefruit knives, it makes this job heaps easier) [amazon link ...]

  3. Place both halves on a baking tray

  4. Sprinkle with cinnamon and nuts (if having)

  5. Pop under the grill for 5 mins until nuts are starting to toast/brown

  6. Enjoy!


** If you are on AIP elimination or stage 1 - eliminate the nuts (you can try introduce these at Stage 2)

I have put this under breakfast - I have however been known to have this as a snack and dessert!


Rediscovery Your Wellness - Sheryl Cook,