Prep Time
2 mins
Prep Notes
Cooking Time
Approx 5-10 mins
Large brown mushroom - 1 for each person whom is dining
1/2 tsp of crushed garlic per mushroom
1 tsp of ghee per mushroom (this can be excluded if avoiding dairy)
- Wipe the top of each mushroom with a damp cloth.
- Heat up BBQ plate (or a fry pan. These can also be done under bake/grill in the oven)
- Place the underside of the mushrooms onto the BBQ (fry pan)
- Leave to cook for 3-5 mins.
- Mix together the ghee and garlic.
- Flip the mushrooms and add approx 1 tsp of ghee/garlic mix to each mushroom.
- Cook for another 3-5 mins.
Rediscovery Your Wellness - Sheryl Cook, 2017