Interested in increasing your own nutritional knowledge, start a new career or add a new string to your bow? Read on....

Once I discovered the impact on my own health of changing my diet and lifestyle habits I wanted to find courses in which I could gain more knowledge for my own and health and support me in empowering others make these changes for themselves.

I chose the following courses:

  • Institute of Integrative Nutrition - which provided me with skills to become and Integrative Nutrition Health Coach
  • Holistic Nutrition Lab - I completed three sequential courses:

    • Digestive Intensive

    • Full Body System Course enabled me to more fully understand the anatomy and physiology of the bodies 7 main systems
       (digestion, immunity, urinary, cardio, endocrine, nervous, reproductive ) 
      and how to best support these systems via functional nutrition. Along with detailed frameworks which help get to the root cause of client issues.

    • Certified Functional Nutrition & Lifestyle Practitioner

To find out more about these course, please click on the images below. As I am an affiliate for both these programmes, please do not hesitate to email me your questions or contact me to arrange a Skype/ GoogleHangout/FB Chat to discuss them further.

For a copy of the Institute of Integrative Nutrition Course curriculum click the image

These links will give you insights into the Holistic Nutrition Lab Programmes